
Economy Snow Fence

Snow fence Snow fence Snow fence

Is designed to create snow drifts rather than to prevent them. Snow fences act windbreaks, causing blowing snow to be deposited as drifts where it is stored.

Colors: Orange, green and black.

Sizes Weight (LBS)

4´x 50´
4´x 100´


Snowing total control.

  • Snow Guard 16
  • Economy Snow Fence Oriented


  • Model: Snow guard 16
  • Color: Green
  • Material: High density polyethylene
Property Unit Value Range
Standard height cm (ft) 122 (4.0)  
Standard lengths m (ft) 30.5 (100) 15.2 (50) Standard
Weight per roll kg (lb) 7.26 (16) 3.64 (8) Standard
Tensile strenght
(MD machine direction)
kgf (lbf) 10.5 (23.1) Min.
Tensile strenght
(TD transversal direction)
kgf (lbf) 8.5 (18.7) Min.
Mesh opening mm (in) 41 X 50 (1.625 X 1.968) ± 5%
  • UV Resistence: 1 Year

(*) Units in English System
NA:Not Apply


  • Model: Economy snow fence oriented
  • Color: Orange, black, green
  • Material: High density polyethylene
Property Unit Value Range
Standard height cm (ft) 122 (4.0)  
Standard lengths m (ft) 30.5 (100) 15.2 (50) Standard
Weight per roll kg (lb) 8.18 (18) 4.09 (9) Standard
Tensile strenght
(MD machine direction)
kgf (lbf)

40 (88)

Tensile strenght
(TD transversal direction)
kgf (lbf) 25 (55) Min.
Mesh opening mm (in) 28.5 X 102 (1.125 X 4) ± 5%
  • UV Resistence: 1 Year

(*) Units in English System
NA:Not Apply