
packaging Net

Packaging Net Packaging Net

Colors: Natural, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, white, orange.

Easy and practical for packing.

  • Packaging Net


  • Model: Packaging Net
  • Color: Natural, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, white, orange.
  • Material: High density polyethylene, polypropilene, homopolimer, vinil acetate.
Property Unit Value Range
Diamond Number NA 39 70 NA
Mouth width cm (ft) 30(.984) 40(1.30) 50(1.64) 60(1.96) 70(2.29) ±2%
Weight g/ft 3.0(6.60) ±0.2
Tensile strenght
(MD machine direction)
kg (lb) 5.0(11) Min.
Tensile strenght
(TD transversal direction)
kg (lb) 22.5(49.50) ±2.5
Output mm (in) 2286 (7500) ± 5%
  • Roll package: Each roll is protected with a shrink-wrap

(*) Units in English System
NA:Not Apply